Thursday, June 23, 2011

sunset (6.22.2011)

6222011-2.jpg by Angsbeads
6222011-2.jpg, a photo by Angsbeads on Flickr.

this was taken from the parking lot of Lakewood Truman hospital, yesterday.

had i not gone to the ER for some bruised ribs i would've completely missed out on this view and the photo opportunity itself.

so yes, thank you Lord for this sunset and for getting me through a very long night in the ER.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

pink roses

Photo1082.jpg by Angsbeads
Photo1082.jpg, a photo by Angsbeads on Flickr.
found this trio this morning during my walk.

thank you Lord!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011


yes it's my own conviction, but i thought i'd share it anyways.

i had noticed a pattern of emails to a friend of mine over the last 3 months, and how last month had changed dramatically.  the first 2 months were normal amounts of emails; about once or twice a week totalling 5-6 emails per month.  then in May it jumped to nearly 25 emails...which averages out to almost 1 per day; and on some weeks it was that way.

my first thought when i looked at the totals was, "wow May really sucked!"  for both of us; me for all of the emails i had sent to my friend and for my friend who endured all of it.

that number kept coming back to me in my head too all weekend long.
what's weird is that i had got convicted of it a few weeks ago and had tried to apologize to my friend about bombarding him with my emails.  well, his response was that i never bombarded him and to not feel guilty about it; that i was simply sharing about the prayer ministry work as part of a believer in Christ.  and that it's always good to do so as part of the Body of Christ.

but then more spiritual attacks ensued and the emails kept pouring forth.

so now, here i am, again feeling convicted about grieving the Holy Spirit by not bringing all of this (my problems and prayer requests) to Him first.  and at many times to Him alone.  i'm still asking for clarity from the Holy Spirit on this one as well because the enemy can do a really slick number on you when it comes to guilt.  using guilt as a tool to keep you from doing the Work of the Lord.

i haven't said anything to my friend yet about this second conviction.  but i am making a change in my approach. both to emails to all of my prayer partners and my prayer walk with the Lord.  bottom line the LORD has to come first.  everything else comes second and NOT in a complaining tone or heart attitude. 

there was something else the LORD had said to me that's been sticking out in my mind and that's this:
"when are you gonna stop confessing everyone else's sins?"


of course He's right, but yeah another thing that's gotta change.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

thank you (prayer)

Thank You LORD for this Blessing you've sent into my life,
my friend,
my prayer partner,
my fellow believer,
my teacher,
and mentor.

Thank You LORD for speaking through them,
when I needed your instruction and advice.
Thank You LORD for working through them,
when I needed to see Your example being lived out.
Thank You LORD for blessing them
when I needed to know how to give & receive Your blessings.

I am truly thankful and greatful to our LORD for you,
for the gifted and loving Blessing that you are.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Blessing prayer

May the Lord pour out His Spirit on you,
filling every area of your heart,
spreading to every person that you meet,
resounding in every word that you speak,
reflecting in every thought that you think,
directing you in every step that you walk,
protecting you in every place that you are,

teaching you, correcting you, loving you,
shaping you and growing you
into the creation after His own heart,

the true and wonderful blessing that you are.

In Jesus' name, Amen.